I'm to rectify that... by posting.
Sadly, I haven't much of interest to say, so today's post may end up being among the least entertaining posts in the history of the blogosphere. But I'm really just making this up as I go, so--who knows?--maybe it'll be hilarious.
Somehow I doubt that.
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Poll: Was this flowchart a stupid decision? |
"And that's all I have to say about that." ~Can you guess the classic movie I'm quoting?
So what have I been doing at old KU recently?
Mostly going to classes and trying to learn. Or learning and trying to go to classes. Or trying to go to classes and trying to learn. I highly doubt I've been going to classes and learning... 'cause that'd be too simple.
Speaking of simple, I have an English midterm test on Monday, and I'm only half-competent in the material, and I haven't finished reading the assigned text. I'm a winner! (I should get on that...) But, I'm fairly certain I'll do okay, because I love English, and I test well...and the test-prep session made the concepts of the last two weeks clearer in an hour than they've been made in the last two weeks.
I went in all "wtf is wth?" and I went out all "heh, I got this shit." ^_^ (*swag*)
My sister just differentiated between "vile" and "vial" and it got me to thinking... about vile vials... and bile... but that was just an afterthought.
So, if you haven't noticed, this has been kind of a "train of consciousness" post.
Speaking of consciousness, have you ever read "The Jabberwocky" by Lewis Caroll? It's a "nonsense poem" and is one of my favorite poems ever written. (Also an awesome poem is "Snowbanks North of the House" by Robert Bly.)
In appreciation of Lewis's Jabberwocky, I have composed my own nonsense poem. I share it here along with an equally nonsensical doodle. -_- (And I'm mostly making this poem up as I go... with a little memory of a poem I wrote once...)
The Bandriggle swives in periclitation.
Ye who behold, swaffed in bibation,
Sickled with rotgut, join the soirave.
Pink fwithers brustle agin' the known trave.
"...and that's all I have to say about that..."
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Well, what did you expect after a poem like that??? |
So, Ciao, and go do some evil!
No, you didn't miss anything. You are correct that the title has nothing to do with the content.
I'm sorry it's such a short/lame post. I'm kind of forcing it out... trying to get the creative juices flowing.
Who decided creativity was controlled by juices? Why can't we "get the creative mud drying"?
Oh, there's the title...
great blog. Following.